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Colham Ferry Elementary Mustangs succeed by being:

Motivated, Respectful, and Safe

PBIS: A Positive Approach

Students, faculty, and staff are recognized and rewarded for effort and performance in exceeding expectations.


Our Philosophy:

Our goal is to help each child develop self-discipline in order to make good choices. Together the home, school, and community share the responsibility for developing good citizens. Parents, teachers, and students must work together to maintain a safe learning environment. 


How does PBIS work?

  • Expectations for student behavior are defined by a building-based team with input from all staff.
  • Appropriate student behavior is taught throughout the day.
  • Positive behaviors are publicly acknowledged.
  • Problem behaviors have clear consequences. Discipline is implemented consistently by staff and administration.
  • Student behavior is monitored and staff receive regular feedback about student progress.
  • An Action Plan is in place for a school wide, consistent approach in working with students, parents, and teachers to change unexpected behaviors and maximize instructional time. 

Mustang Matrix and School Wide Intervention and Support Flow Chart

CFES Mustang Matrix 

CFES Intervention and Support Flow Chart