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RTI (Response to Intervention)

CFES Response to Intervention RTI

Students in kindergarten through fifth grade receive instruction based upon the Georgia Performance Standards (GPS) utilizing a variety of research – based strategies and models. Emphasis is placed on providing students with a firm academic foundation in reading, writing, and mathematics. In order to prepare students to solve problems in an information rich society, they are challenged to perform at their highest level through the incorporation of meaningful, rigorous instructional activities in all academic areas. Elementary students also receive exposure to art and music as well as physical activities as part of the elementary program.

Identifying Students’ Needs:

Student performance is analyzed throughout the year in order to ensure that their individual needs are met. When students demonstrate the need for additional support or challenge beyond what the average grade level student would access, the Pyramid of Intervention is utilized.

Students who consistently exhibit the ability to demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving in applying the Georgia Performance Standards are engaged in rigorous activities to reach their fullest potential. This performance may indicate a need for an evaluation for Gifted Services. Those evaluations occur in the spring of each school year so that maximum time may be allowed for the student to be engaged in application of the standards and needs may be identified.

Students who exhibit difficulty in Meeting standards will receive intervention within their classroom, through EIP services or Title I services. Student progress is closely monitored for improvement through a variety of assessments. Students who continue to struggle even after interventions have been utilized, may be considered for further evaluations to determine if greater needs exist that may be served through special education services or ESOL.